
Reflecting on GDC’s Journey at SXSW: Insights, Learnings, and Future Endeavors

After returning from an action-packed adventure at SXSW, Chantel Gallegos-Nasits and Hannah Glasser can't help but reflect on the whirlwind of experiences, ideas, and inspirations they encountered during their time in Austin. Here's a glimpse into their journey at SXSW and the valuable insights they gained.

“SXSW is a melting pot of cutting-edge technologies, emerging trends, and thought-provoking discussions. From immersive experiences in virtual reality to the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, we were exposed to countless innovative ideas that have the potential to shape our future. 

One of the highlights of our SXSW experience was the opportunity to learn from industry leaders and visionaries who shared their expertise and insights. Whether it was a large ballroom panel discussion or an intimate session, each conference left us with a fresh perspective on the ever-evolving landscape of technology, media, and culture. With sessions covering everything from the impact of AI, how brands can authentically connect with their audiences and storytelling in brand building, SXSW provided a space to delve deep into the most pressing issues facing our industry today.   

AI dominated discussions, highlighting its presence in our daily lives. While acknowledging its transformative power, there was a consensus that AI still needs a human touch to ensure ethical and creative integrity. Key concerns revolved around protecting artists and creators, with suggestions such as embedding copyright information directly into digital creations. Central to these discussions was the concern for transparency, emphasizing the need for clarity and accountability in AI applications. Concerns about AI's potential to deviate from established rules, like a 'Transformers situation,’ were assuaged, affirming that AI operates within the bounds of its training. Ultimately, the prevailing sentiment was that AI should complement and enhance existing workflows rather than take over human involvement, serving as an accelerant to innovation and creativity.

SXSW is not only an event for learning but also a hub for networking and collaboration. We had the chance to connect with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and forge new partnerships. Beyond the conference rooms, we immersed ourselves in a world of experiential activations and creative showcases; We witnessed firsthand the power of experiential marketing to captivate audiences.

At SXSW, the spectrum of advertising opportunities is as extensive as the event itself. The options are endless from impressive showcases like the Porsche event, where attendees could wander through a transformed space resembling a car wash. Furthermore, the Porsche activation allowed participants to immerse themselves in the brand, interacting with various car models inventively, snapping photos to explore unexpected features, and signing up to rent a Porsche for the weekend. Some companies opted for street activations, leveraging the bustling energy outside the convention center to make a memorable impression without breaking the bank. Alternatively, other companies decided to align with established companies like Uber to access a more vast audience, with the potential to reach attendees precisely when they were seeking transportation. At SXSW, whether aiming for grand gestures or subtle touches, the advertising landscape brims with opportunities limited only by creativity and imagination.

Returning from SXSW, we are armed with insights, ideas, and inspiration. From incorporating emerging technologies into our projects to fostering a culture of innovation within our team, we are excited to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of what's possible. Our journey at SXSW was nothing short of transformative.”